Letter: Performance funds

To the editor:

Thank you to the Lawrence Journal-World for the July 29, editorial: “Great gift.” The Lied Center of Kansas and Lawrence Schools Foundation are ecstatic to partner in expanding free access to world-class performances for all USD 497 students. We would like to clarify the fundraising events mentioned in the piece.

We’ve secured seed funding which will enable us to expand our schools performances for the next five years if we can raise the necessary matching funds. The first fundraising event last school year helped us to achieve the necessary match for 2015-16 school year programs. At the next fundraising event on Nov. 2, we hope to raise the necessary matching funds for 2016-17 school year programs. We will continue to host these fundraisers each school year through 2018-19 to achieve the annual match over the five-year period.

During the 2018-19 school year, the Lied Center will be celebrating its 25th anniversary. One of the top priorities of this anniversary celebration will be to establish a $500,000 endowed fund to make the expansion of our schools performances permanent. As the editorial pointed out, providing barrier-free access to world-class performing arts experiences annually to all the youth in our community is in line with Christina Hixson’s original vision for the Lied Center.

Thank you to the Lawrence Journal-World and entire community for your support.