Letter: Consequences

To the editor:

In Tuesday’s paper was another article about the consequences of state legislators passing legislation that affect the operation, policy and practices of our public schools, “District expecting to repay $672K in state aid.” I have now come to the realization that they must have a keener knowledge about running schools than our locally hired school employees and the elected members of boards of education.

Therefore, I would respectfully suggest that legislators take a further leap into their incursion into public education that will also save money. Pass legislation that will rid the schools of their chief administrators and their locally elected school board members thus saving the cost of employee salaries and the expenses associated with operating and electing the school boards. The legislation would then appoint legislators as the chief administrators of schools in their respective districts.

Oh, my mistake. They don’t need to pass legislation. They are already doing some of this just not the part that deals with the consequences.