Letter: City’s 160th

To the editor:

On Thursday, Sept. 18, Lawrence celebrates its 160th anniversary. This milestone is filled with people, places and events that have made a difference in the lives of all of us who are lucky enough to live here today.

Lawrence loves its history and at every turn there are individuals and groups who work to preserve it, enhance it, promote it and celebrate it. Sesquicentennial Point has a Walk through Time, and now it is time to add 10 more stones, ready to be marked with important events since 2004. Through Lawrence Parks and Recreation offices, individuals and groups can designate a year to commemorate. Go to the website and select the Walk through Time for many wonderful stories about people and events from Lawrence’s historic past.

Centennial Park, dedicated in 1954 for Lawrence’s 100th birthday has been an evolving place, always mindful of ways to make Lawrence an even better town. And now, Sesquicentennial Point is evolving to someday have an amphitheater at the foot of the Walk through Time. In 2054, a time capsule from 2004 will be opened at Sesquicentennial Point for the Lawrencians celebrating Lawrence’s bicentennial.

Our community has a calendar that is packed with opportunities to learn, to contribute, to enjoy life in our beautiful town. Lawrence history is all around us. We are lucky to live here! Happy birthday, Lawrence.