Letter: Greatest enemy

To the editor:

Thirteen years ago what many refer to as “Our nation’s darkest hour,” our country was attacked by outside forces, leaving the nation in bitter pain and confusion, grappling for answers.

In that fateful day nearly 3,000 people died, an unfathomable number. Three thousand people in one day, gone. Since that dark day our country has made a better effort to guard against any kind of outside attack.

What many in our country don’t realize is that there is a greater enemy we should be more concerned about that is attacking us daily. These attacks go seemingly unnoticed, yet they are with much harm. Furthermore, these attacks are not by outside forces, but by our own people! Yes, while our country is doing a great job protecting us from any outsiders, they forget to protect us from those within. Every day more than 3,000 of our citizens die by our own hands. No one says a word, no one mourns, no one notices. Even if no one else notices, God does, and his heart breaks for all those whose life was ended by the cruel hand of abortion. Yes, abortion is our greatest enemy, not terrorists.