Letter: God’s wrath

God’s wrath

To the editor:

In the Nov. 10 Journal-World, Carl E. Burkhead’s letter claimed that God will bring a sharp rebuke to our country and that a part of the U.S. will be removed. He doesn’t know how or when it will happen. Mr. Burkhead can rest assured that God is already punishing the U.S. and we know where it is happening. Every year hundreds of millions of tons of precious topsoil are eroded from farms and washed down the Mississippi where, added to industrial pollutants, a huge dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico keeps growing.

More obvious is the rising sea level that is starting to inundate the coast of Florida. Within the lifetimes of most living today, much of Florida will disappear. Meanwhile, so much beach sand has been washed from the East Coast that there isn’t enough sand to truck in to replace it. With increasing frequency, violent hurricanes wreck havoc and cause billions in damage on both coasts.

But, God’s wrath has nothing to do with sex. It is because this Christian nation constantly defiles the beautiful world that God created. We have no respect for God’s gift to humanity and foolishly deny that our wanton actions are causing death to many species and, even to many humans. “What God has wrought, let no man put asunder,” applies to our beloved planet, not just to a ceremonial vow.