Letter: Angry at results

To the editor:

The news of Brownback’s re-election in the governor’s race hit me so hard I yelled out loud. Better than shedding tears. A dictatorial governor hitting education, services, health care, state financial health for starters, none for the good — and a lockstep legislature to enact this governor’s policies. This extremist governor and a certain Baptist sect in Topeka have most unflatteringly put Kansas on the map. Once again, Kansas voters have failed to put a good man in Paul Davis into the office of governor of this state. What a loss to all of us.

It’s not the state I remember in my long life, but is now in a kind of Dark Ages.

Big money unfortunately influences our government. And a state official holds back a cache of suspended voters — just one of his ways of controlling the voting process in this state. Scary stuff and maddening.

This election angers and saddens me as it does plenty of others. Say it isn’t so.