Letter: Wasted money

To the editor:

In his May 1 opinion piece, Professor Krishtalka continued his monotone illusion that the future of the nation will be bleak unless our society embraces his view of science-old universe cosmology, climate change (formerly global warming) and evolution. Oddly, modern academia, which should be producing society’s technological advances, holds almost unanimously and tenaciously to his scientific paradigms. However, hardly any of our modern scientific innovations come from academia, which annually consumes massive amounts of taxpayers’ money in research grants.

Without the touchstones of constantly changing cosmological theories such as the Big Bang (a great nonscientific TV program), environmental drumbeats such as anthropogenic climate change and evolution, academia and its research funding agencies would have little justification for their taxpayers’ grants. Additionally, without the taxpayers’ belief in these touchstones, in spite of massive indoctrination by our public schools, academia might suddenly lose its political base for expensive grant funding.

Scientific progress has almost no relationship to the huge amounts of money spent on academia’s pet research projects using cosmologies, environmental issues such as global warming and evolution theories. Theories of cosmology, environmental hypes and theories of evolution are constantly changing and generally have produced very negative regulations and unnecessary costs for society. I am not sure that Professor Krishtalka or his academic ilk have produced any significant advances to society but have cost our society significant money in supporting their ivory towers that could have been spent much more wisely.