Letter: Lies and deceit

To the editor:

I’m tired of all the GOP lies and deceit. For example, the Republicans say there is too much government, but guess who added Homeland Security and Medicare Part D? How about security? Who was on watch when the biggest failure in national security — 9/11 — occurred?

And the economy; who in 2008 caused the biggest economic downfall since the Great Depression? Then there’s the increase in the national debt that Republicans claim is the president’s fault, but they conveniently forget about the increases in the deficit created by the following: two unfunded wars (Iraq, trillions) and (Afghanistan, trillions); Medicare Part D (billions); two tax cuts (trillions), and Homeland Security (billions). Who originally created those deficits that were basically passed on to the current administration?

Also, what about the biggest lie they don’t mention: weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Oh, and don’t forget individual freedoms. Republicans boast that they will fight for your individual freedom — as long as you are not a woman, gay or a minority! The same with wages and wealth — only the top 1 percent count on their playing field. And finally, Republicans say they want to reduce entitlements; what they never say out loud is that this reduction would include Social Security! And at the same time never mentioning that Medicare Part D is, in reality, an entitlement they created.

To reiterate, I’m tired of Republicans making accusations and blaming others when it was their own actions that precipitated these very problems and increased the deficit.