Letter: Colorado contrast

To the editor:

I was listening to National Public Radio Tuesday morning and was surprised to hear that Colorado took $188 million in federal dollars to set up its own state health care exchange AND it is successful! They did this in case the Affordable Care Act was not implemented, and this bipartisan decision is successful. They wanted to construct their own guidelines and not have to depend on healthcare.gov .

Who knows, maybe some of the $32 million that Gov. Brownback rejected went to our neighboring state. We all should by now be totally disgusted with this renegade governor and his Koch-funded cohorts in Topeka. Kansas, too, could be helping the uninsured like Colorado and Kentucky instead of throwing them under the bus. I, for one, am tired of Gov. Brownback’s empty rhetoric. As Abraham Lincoln once famously said “He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met.”