Letter: Not free

To the editor:

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network poll showed 72 percent of Kansans supported taking federal funds to expand Medicaid coverage in Kansas, (Journal-World, Feb. 27). The federal government has promised to pay 100 percent of the cost of expansion for three years; and 90 percent in subsequent years.

From virtually every article or editorial letter I have seen, there are two reasons Kansans believe we should expand medicaid. First, it would expand medical coverage to tens of thousands of low-income Kansans.  Secondly, the federal government would pay for the expansion.

Providing medical coverage for children and low income Kansans is a worthwhile goal. However, most supporters of the expanded coverage act like it will be “free” because the money comes from the federal government.  Where does the federal government get money? The money comes from borrowing money, from printing money and from taxpayers. 

I think you see the problem here.  Almost half of the country does not pay any federal tax. The other half picks up the tab. So when you think federal dollars are free, remember the nation is more than $17 trillion in debt, with unfunded expenses for Medicare and Social Security promises which are close to $100 trillion, not counting the promise of Obamacare.

I sincerely hope I live to see someone balance the desire to provide services with the ability to pay for them. It doesn’t look good at this point. If you can do it, speak up.