Letter: Stand disputed

I read the letter by Rabbi Moti Rieber and Rev. John Martin about “carbon pollution.” They praise the Environmental Protection Agency’s “stricter limits on climate pollution from (coal-powered) power plants.” Their concern is over “human-induced climate change.” Learned gentlemen: Aside from this causing higher energy bills, countless people in the coal industry losing their jobs, and with no viable energy substitute, just exactly what “climate change” are you talking about to justify this?

1) Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, but a prerequisite for life. 2) There hasn’t been any “global warming” for nearly 18 years, although CO2 levels continue to rise. 3) This current directly measurable trend of CO2 levels increasing following a warming period has been confirmed from proxy evidence as representing a consistent pattern over hundreds of thousands of years. This conclusion has followed analysis of atmospheric content in trapped bubbles in glacial ice cores (see Vostok ice core data). Increased CO2 levels follow warming periods, as opposed to preceding and thereby causing them. 4) There is no “97% consensus among climate scientists about (alleged) manmade global warming/climate change. 5) I hope that you learned gentleman have done more homework on the religious traditions you represent that you have in climate science.

I’ll help here: Visit ICECAP.US, and Climate Depot for a start. These sites contain valuable links to source material. Among other things, you might even learn about subterranean volcanic activity in western Antarctica now degrading a glacier there (but left out of a May 31 Journal-World story).