Letter: Penalty justified

To the editor:

I was disappointed the courts threw out the death sentence for the Carr brothers. Most of my life I have been against capital punishment because of the obvious: the wrong man could be convicted using eye-witness accounts, which is the worst kind of evidence. But with the discovery of DNA, many prisoners have been exonerated and the real offenders arrested.

I now feel there are certain circumstances that deserve the death sentence such as serial killers and multiple murderers when there is absolutely no doubt concerning guilt. The Carr brothers have expressed no remorse and even taunted family members in the course of the trial. Those unfamiliar with the details of this crime need to Google these brutal homicides that occurred in 2000. Make no mistake, these people are true monsters born without any sense of conscience or remorse. Human life means nothing to them.

Those who don’t agree with me please answer me one question. Where is the deterrent? What happens now if they kill a guard or a fellow prisoner? Are you going to just give them another life sentence? These two committed one of the most heinous crimes I have ever read about. Now we and the surviving members of the families have to pay our tax money to provide free housing, meals, and health care for these creatures. This is insulting to the surviving families who deserve real closure and justice. Sometimes, and I say very rarely, some horrible criminals need to be executed because they still pose a threat to life and they have absolutely nothing to lose!