Letter: Vote for change

To the editor:

The members of Congress have left Washington for some much-needed rest and relaxation after a difficult year in which they did … in which they developed some new … hmm.  Actually the “Do Nothing” Congress did very little for the past year.

I know, some people will say the less they do the better,and I would be tempted to agree. However, this Congress, with the help of the Kansas delegation, blocked action on immigration reform, tax reform, gun control, extending long-term unemployment assistance, the farm bill, scores of administrative appointments, and … everything else except a budget bill. They tried to block the Affordable Care Act, but it somehow survived and now has enrolled well over a million people.

The “Do Nothing” Congress reached a new low in partisan antagonism and inflexibility, not to mention a new low in their evaluation by the public. In 2014, we have a chance to change the embarrassing mess that is our Congress. We have the chance to vote for people who will work toward a “Do Something” Congress.

There are too many serious issues that need to be addressed for us to allow a repetition of the sorry spectacle that was our Congress. Pay attention to the candidates in the next ten months, and be sure to vote.

We can make things better.