Letter: Skip the raise

To the editor:

How is it that people are allowed to vote themselves a raise that sit on the City Commission for a part-time job? I don’t get it. This type of allotment should be put to public vote not just, hey, I think we need a raise. These people have jobs or successful businessmen. I don’t think that warrants a raise, especially a large one.

This city has wasted so much money on ridiculous ventures. Unneeded, crazy roundabouts for one. Putting streetlights along Kasold then going back and taking at least every other one out. Brilliant! Spending money on brick crosswalks on the annoying roundabouts then hearing people complain about how hard it is to walk on them. Another brilliant move that warrants a raise for hare-brained projects.

Hey commission, skip your raise and think about doing something useful like, oh, maybe a walk-in medical center, fire department, maybe even for a grocery store in North Lawrence. Oh, wait a minute, we must have a sports complex in the highly undeveloped northwest part of town and a sign on Massachusetts listing certain business establishments. I don’t know, is it just me?