Letter: Wasteful spending

To the editor:

It’s about time someone calls out the Kansas Legislature for its hypocritical rhetoric about wasteful spending and budget deficits. Instead of spending money on worthwhile things like improving education, infrastructure or health care for the most vulnerable among us, the legislature has decided that Kansas residents are much more concerned with spending over a million dollars to defend blatantly unconstitutional anti-women’s health laws.

Despite our looming budget crisis, Brownback has given income tax breaks to the wealthiest Kansans and corporations. To him, passing (and paying people to defend) an extremist program of restrictions on women’s health is more important than the state’s economy. Politicians should not waste taxpayer money playing doctor and defending a dangerous ideological agenda. We elected our politicians to improve the economy and address public education, not to intrude on medical decisions and pass unconstitutional laws that ultimately cost taxpayers a lot of money. It’s time for the wasteful spending to end. We have too many problems in our state to keep allowing our politicians to waste money on abortion politics.