Letter: More to story?

To the editor:

So the Lawrence Police Department is going to drop the case of the student who died after the party?

Trauma is odd and unpredictable, so I can’t speak to that.

The paper says they found him a block from the party where he was last seen. Technically, I suppose, it’s a block, because there are no cross streets. But it is a very long block. Turning toward where he said he was going, his girlfriend’s place, you go downhill to bright lights and many stores. The direction to Avalon Road is uphill and dark. It doesn’t seem an imaginable mistake, even for an impaired person.

And, having gone that way, why would he wander into someone’s yard and walk along a high ledge?

The only friend I’ve seen who gave her name said he didn’t drink. Apparently others gave another story. But no one said he was falling down drunk. They watched him walk down the street. A blood alcohol of .18 (which they found) would leave the person seriously impaired.

There needs to be a better accounting for this tragic death than, “He fell.”