Letter: Successful model

To the editor:

In this season of giving, here’s a new business model to ensure a robust return on investment (“Diversity benefits higher education,” Dec. 8, Journal-World). First, make a heap of money on Wall Street selling slick financial instruments. Second, donate a fraction of the profits to your alma mater and offer to teach your money-making skills to students.

Third, with like-minded oligarchs, fund politicians who advocate reducing expenditures for public education while providing tax cuts for the uber-wealthy. Finally, write a paean of self-praise (under the guise of promoting diversity) for publication in your local paper.

To those who object that this innovative model resembles the Golden Rule of yore (e.g. those with the gold rule), this new version provides the opportunity to preach the wonders of wealth and self-aggrandizement from the ivory towers of a semi-public university.