Letter: Take responsibility

To the editor:

As a Kansan, a recent college graduate, and a frustrated millennial, I am appalled by our governor’s constant, worn-out argument of blaming our nation’s president for the struggles of our state.

Growing up, my parents instilled in my brother and me a drive and work ethic to strive for success. We were taught that taking initiative requires also accepting the consequences of our actions. I am displeased not only by Gov. Brownback’s incessant blame game of linking every Kansas underperformance to the White House, but also by his lack of responsibility for the direction that he alone is leading our state.

As I would hope our governor is competent enough to acknowledge, he has both chambers of the Kansas Legislature at his disposal. This means that the current state Kansas is in, is a direct result of his policy, guidance and advice.

As a Kansan who believes in hard work, serving others and taking ownership of my actions in ventures that I work toward, I urge Brownback to stop blaming the president for this mess. He and his extremist cronies are the ones to blame. This one is on him. His party’s dissent makes it very apparent that Kansans are unhappy with the direction he is leading our state, not the way our nation is being ran.

I ask that our governor quits the blame game, and gets to work. Unless things change drastically, he’ll have to deal with being the sole person responsible for his retirement party in November.