Letter: No conscience?

To the editor:

I read with horror the crimes committed by the Carr brothers in a Journal-World article. And again I read about those crimes in Craig Tucker’s letter to the editor on July 29.

I want to point out a serious mistake Mr. Tucker made in his letter. He wrote, “make no mistake these people are true monsters born without any sense of conscience or remorse.”

However, God gives everyone a clear conscience at birth. No one is born without a clear conscience. Our conscience is a wonderful thing! It is our faculty that decides the lawfulness of all our actions and affections. And it approves or condemns our actions and affections!

The Carr brothers, like many of us, have refused to listen to their conscience so often that now they no longer can hear or feel the guilt of their actions. And now, it is too late for them and, unfortunately, their victims.

We lose all feeling of guilt when we, as children, are improperly raised and or abused. Once we believe there is no longer any hope in life, then life no longer has any meaning. And then we only do what is personally pleasing to ourselves. We then care less about how we hurt others.