Letter: No notoriety

To the editor:

You know, when random people, teenagers or otherwise, commit these random acts of violence against innocent people like the one committed Tuesday in Murrysville, Pa., it seems that they are trying to make their name known. They are trying to gain the worst kind of attention.

I say rain on their parade. Don’t give them that satisfaction. These horrible crimes can be easily shared with the public without the use of names or even their picture. It could just as easily go something like this, “a young male slashed several people at a high school today without any known reason. Film at 11.” No names. No pictures.

This deflates their ego and sends a message to the next would-be disturbed individual trying to make a name for themselves at someone else’s expense that their name will not be known to anyone other than law enforcement and their sad, ashamed family members.

This could prevent more of these senseless crimes from happening. The NFL has handled streakers that run out onto the field on live television the same way. They never, ever show the video of the event anymore. Ruins the whole purpose.