Letter: Due process rights

To the editor:

I was so pleased when I read in your paper that the school finance bill was approved and sent to the governor that I could have applauded. But wait! It seems on closer reading the bill not only does not equalize funding throughout the state but it does remove due process for teachers! Furthermore it gives money to private schools. Tenure (a misnomer) or due process is no more. Hallelujah! Now we can be rid of certain people we don’t like.

Now comes a thought for saving a tremendous amount of money in our burdened court system. Why should criminals be entitled to due process? We could eliminate all criminal trials. If the police accuse and arrest someone, why can’t we just trust their word and send the rascal off to jail. We would have to retain the civil courts, of course, because the cases are about something important: MONEY!

But wait. Comes another thought. If the government can take away someone’s rights with the stroke of a pen, are we not all in danger?