Letter: Distorting truth

To the editor:

Leonard Pitts’ column of last Sunday castigates Tony Perkins of the Family Reseach Council about his view of homosexuality. Pitts claims a counter view is one based on scholasticism and hardcore biblical truth. The simple truth is that this lifestyle is sinful, just like adultery, lying, stealing, etc. That’s why we need a savior, Jesus Christ.

I am sure that Tony would acknowledge that he is a sinner saved by grace and he wants the gays to know and experience that same truth if they are unbelievers, or to be set free from their sin if they do claim to believe in Jesus. However, in order to defend and promote their lifestyle (which they do a good job of), the gays want to distort the truth of Scripture. You can’t have it both ways. Either you acknowledge your sin and receive the pardon given to us by God through the atoning work of Jesus or you believe the lie thinking you can be saved and continue sinning.

You can’t straddle the fence. Either you are with Jesus or you are not. He knows who are and who aren’t. Why would Christ die for mankind’s sins just to let us keep on sinning? If one really knows Jesus, then we know that He has given us the power to have victory over sin. We no longer get to be the master of our lives. We were bought with a price, and that means dying to self and living by His righteous standards.