Letter: Road improvement

To the editor:

I have lived in Palmyra Township on our family farm my entire life. As long as I can remember, the township has laid gravel on the roads. After a few rains they always turned to mud, and after a dry spell, there was always a tremendous amount of dust.

Thanks to Sandy Elliott and her excellent crew of road workers, I now have the best road conditions I can remember. Because of Sandy’s forward thinking, the township is now using asphalt millings to cover the roads. This process is a vast improvement over using gravel. Using asphalt millings the roads no longer turn to mud and there is far less dust.

We often don’t take the time to thank people like Sandy and her crew for doing the work they do to maintain our roads. I wanted to take this time to express my appreciation for their efforts. I hope the rest of Palmyra Township and the board get behind Sandy and continue to support using asphalt millings to maintain our roads.