Jim Brothers sculpture stolen from Signs of Life gallery


A bronze bust sculpted by artist Jim Brothers was taken from the upstairs gallery at Signs of Life this week.

Clay Belcher, owner of the gallery, coffee shop and bookstore at 722 Massachusetts St., is offering a reward of $500 to anyone who could help recover the piece.

The bust is titled “Makataimeshekiakiak, Black Hawk of the Sauk and Fox.” It depicts Black Hawk, the leader and warrior of the Sauk American Indian tribe. It is a bronze bust with a walnut base, and it weighs approximately 35 pounds.

“It’s a pretty substantial size,” Belcher said. “I don’t know how anybody walked out with it without being noticed.”

Belcher said the bust was stolen between Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening.

The gallery director first noticed the piece was missing while mounting new artwork in preparation for this month’s Final Friday. She contacted Belcher, who then notified the police.

Jim Brothers, who sculpted the piece, was a local artist known throughout the world for his contributions to national war memorials and his depictions of American historic figures. He died earlier this year.

The bust has been on display in the gallery for two years, and its list price is $2,200. Belcher said he is concerned that someone may try to sell it for its scrap metal value or that it will be discarded.

Belcher asks anybody with information regarding the theft to contact the police department or call the Signs of Life gallery at (785) 830-8030.