Letter: Bus should serve city

To the editor:

“That would be a change in strategy,” Chad Lawhorn wrote in his Oct. 17 Town Talk column. “In June, city commissioners directed staff members to focus on a site near Ninth and Iowa streets behind The Merc for a transit hub location. But city officials tell me now that KU officials aren’t wild about that location. KU’s buy-in is important because the estimated $3 million transit hub will serve both KU and city buses.”

So it goes from good to bad to worse to ridiculous! The current situation is intolerable. Now Kansas University wants to move the hub as close to KU as it can get it!  Both of these locations are absolutely ridiculous!

What about downtown? Did you folks forget downtown? Service there is pathetic now, and you’re on the straight and narrow to make it even worse? I thought this city rransit system was to serve Lawrence not KU! Ever since KU became a “part” of the Lawrence transit service, it’s been like the Big 12 after absorbing the Texas schools.

Wake up, Lawrence, and give us our bus system back!