Letter: Proper channels

To the editor:

There was a very fine story in the Journal-World, Monday, Oct. 14, “KU alumnus determined to make difference in health of Peruvians.” Chase Hamilton and his non-profit, the Coalition for Global Community Health, are doing admirable work supplying Sawyer water filters to some of the 50,000 impoverished families in the city of Belen, Peru. This alleviates the problems of diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases.

What I was waiting for was any mention of the Peruvian Ministry of Health. Perhaps the reporter and/or Mr. Hamilton did mention the Ministry of Health, but it didn’t get into the story. I imagine Mr. Chase did coordinate his assistance with the Health Ministry. Otherwise, he could be accused of “Yankee imperialism” by circumventing local bureaucracies and going directly to the people. This is not a good idea.

It’s a good project, and I trust the Peruvian government is involved, too.