100 years ago: Host of ‘miserable beer party and crap game’ morally responsible for fatal shooting, judge says

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Nov. 30, 1913:

  • “‘The jury in this case has found you guilty of a misdemeanor,’ said Judge Smart to Duke Scott before passing sentence on him in the district court this morning, ‘but every man who was engaged in that crap game and beer party has the blood of Dean Warren on his hands, and should feel the responsibility of that boy’s death. Warren was a bad boy, but there are lots of good citizens who were bad boys at twenty. He should not have been killed. A community should do its best to keep a miserable beer party and crap game from being conducted within it for they end in trouble as this one ended in the death of young Warren.’ Scott was charged with conducting a gambling game that ended in the shooting of Dean Warren the night of August 9. The jury found him guilty of gambling. Judge Smart sentenced him to 20 days in jail and to pay the costs of the case. ‘I hope the legislature of this state will some day see fit to pass a law under which, instead of sentencing a man to jail we can put him to work and let his wages to go the support of his family,’ continued Judge Smart after sentencing Scott. ‘The way things are now the man’s wife and family suffer, while he, the guilty one, gets a rest.'”
  • “A robber took 100 pennies and two half dollars from the Santa Fe station at Sibley last night according to reports received at the sheriff’s office today. The pennies were extracted from a gum vending machine and the half dollars from a drawer in the agent’s desk.”
  • “The annual Art Exhibit at the University of Kansas will be given on the hill next February or March, according to an announcement made today by Prof. W. A. Griffith of the drawing and painting department. Prof. Griffith announces that the collection of the American Federation of Art has been secured for this occasion and will furnish the annual attraction. According to Mr. Griffith this is one of the very best collections of oil paintings obtainable and the exhibit of this season promises to surpass any of seasons before.”
  • “For several years the National Tuberculosis League has been selling little Christmas stamps and has derived considerable money for the carrying on of the league’s work as a result. This year the local Social Service League was offered one half of the proceeds and this part of the money will be kept in Lawrence for work here. It is the hope of the league to sell at least 30,000 of the stamps in Lawrence at one cent each…. The little stickers arrived in Lawrence immediately after Thanksgiving Day and are on sale at a number of stores.”
  • “The annual meeting of the Temperance Society of the Methodist Episcopal church began in Topeka this afternoon. In the work being pushed by the society, thousands of pastors have pledged themselves to hold street meetings while nearly half a million young people have signed the total abstinence pledge.”
  • “Eternal vigilance is the price of a wholesome water supply, declares a bulletin on ‘The Sanitation of Water Supplies’ issued today by the University of Kansas. ‘To dig a hole to water anywhere, and expect good results forever afterward, is unreasonable,’ the bulletin says. ‘With the exercise of common sense, based on the knowledge of ordinary sanitary principles, a person should live in comparative safety from water-borne diseases.'”