Letter: Resignation request

To the editor:

I read in the Journal-World, quoting Sen. Pat Roberts on Kathleen Sebelius about the Obamacare website,”Your main goal should have been to protect the Americans, to lessen their risk and to insure their safety … I repeat my request for you to resign.”

This from the man who, as head of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, did everything he could to stonewall the true information about intelligence concerning the proposed invasion of Iraq? Because of his decision to be loyal to the Republican Party, rather than the safety of the American people, as well as the Constitution, which he was sworn to uphold, he helped start a war in which tens of thousands of people died, including thousands of Americans, and a trillion dollars was wasted on a war that was started on false information. Roberts blocked the true information from seeing the light of day.

Sir, I request for you to resign.