Letter: Petty politics

To the editor:

In an article on May 26, Scott Rothschild opened the door and shined a little light on the petty politics conducted by The “GUV”ernor and departments of the Kansas state government. Shortly after being absorbed by KDOT at Brownback’s directive, the KTA announces it’s cutting part-time employees’ hours so it won’t have to comply with a federal law. This time, however, it’s not a private employer but instead is part of the Kansas state government, KDOT specifically. This administration is using the state government to hurt Kansans. Brownback attacked legislators of his own party who wouldn’t toe his line. Is he now attacking the people of Kansas directly? Congratulations, you’re once again bringing Kansas to the forefront in the race to the bottom. I wonder who’s next.

Why doesn’t the current Kansas administration own this as they have many other failures and admit they’re hurting Kansans all in the name of petty politics? It will be interesting to see what kind of sordid prepared statement his mouthpiece will read because of this latest fiasco.