Letter: Who’s listening?

To the editor:

In the Tuesday Journal-World article about Sandy Praeger, Republican Scott Schwab stated that Praeger “quit listening to the people who sent her to office.” I think it is more accurate to say that she refused to get in line with a political party that quit listening to 90 percent of Americans who favor common sense gun safety laws.

I’m sure she heard the Koch brothers and the party bosses on health care reform, comprehensive immigration reform, school funding, tax policy, etc., and said to herself, “You guys aren’t listening.” Dwight Eisenhower and Bob Dole would both get a thumb’s down from the Koch brothers. They could not pass today’s Republican Party litmus test.

I believe a majority of today’s Kansans are looking for a way to get out of Brownbackistan — some way or someone to lead us back to the Kansas where we embrace the common sense conservative values of Republicans like Eisenhower and Dole.

With or without a pair of ruby slippers, Sandy Praeger may be our best hope.