Bicyclist killed in accident on South Lawrence Trafficway identified as 29-year-old Lawrence woman
A 29-year-old Lawrence woman killed Sunday evening in an accident on the South Lawrence Trafficway has been identified by the Kansas Highway Patrol.
The woman, Hayley M. Berrios, was riding a bicycle east across the trafficway near the stoplight at 27th Street about 8 p.m. when she was struck by a vehicle traveling north on the trafficway, according to the patrol. The vehicle, a 1974 Chevrolet truck, was driven by Walter Spencer, 67, of Lawrence. Spencer was not injured in the accident.
Berrios was declared dead before a helicopter ambulance could reach the scene of the accident. The trafficway was closed between Kasold Drive and the Clinton Parkway exit near the Clinton Lake dam, and traffic was detoured.