Letter: Tax loss?

To the editor:

Last week, a member of the Kansas Legislature made a proposal that would eliminate the sale tax from health club memberships. His position was that by reducing the cost of memberships, more people would join and this would increase the overall health of the population.

The reporter interviewed City Commissioner Hugh Carter regarding this proposal. His reply was that any reduction in sales tax revenue would be detrimental to the city of Lawrence. Isn’t that exactly what the proposed new recreation center would do? Wouldn’t the rec center siphon off membership from existing clubs, thereby losing the sales tax derived from membership dues? Going still further, the loss of membership could very well cause a reduction of personnel and possibly the closing of the club itself.

There is also another problem brewing in the background that has not been publicized. New golf courses. What will they do to Alvamar, Lawrence Country Club and Eagle Bend?

Rec center, golf courses — how much can Lawrence absorb? 

The City Commission needs to show more concern regarding the return on investment to the taxpayers of Lawrence. One outdated study leaves a lot to be desired!