Letter: Climate priority

To the editor:

With regard to the proposed sports complex, I would like to point out that, for about half the cost we are being told it would cost to build this dubious project, the City of Lawrence could become a primary force in enabling the world to address the climate issue that has recently become a front-and-center priority for the nation.

I would also like to suggest that because Lawrence once played a pivotal role in ending slavery in this nation is no reason for Lawrence to become complacent when it comes to moral issues. I would also like to point out that many trillions of dollars of property and billions of people are at ever-increasing risk from the destructive forces of climate change.

I think, due to these issues, Lawrence voters should be asked to choose how they would like to proceed, toward an area sports complex or toward enabling humanity to achieve a greater level of sustainability and improve humanity’s ability to survive relatively intact the climate changes scientists are predicting in the remainder of the 21st century. I think it would also behoove us to consider that Kansas is still in prolonged drought with no letup in sight.

The thought also occurs to me that if Lawrence had better name recognition and a better image across America, it could perhaps recruit doctors, nurses, teachers, police officers and university faculty a little bit easier.