Letter: Wrong priority

To the editor:

Anything for the team, Florida State University alumni, the state of Florida? Is that how it works?

Let’s see, a girl ODs with alcohol and alleges she was taken to her home where she was undressed and raped by two guys whose DNA is left as a testimony to their lust; first denial, then the consent argument. It takes a year for the Tallahassee County prosecutor to make a decision while the Seminoles could become the national champs in football and Jameis Winston a Heisman Trophy winner. The girl’s parents want justice. The county prosecutor says a detailed investigation reveals there is not enough evidence to charge Winston.

This whole deal reeks of complicity: ignoring victim rights, blind eyes toward the perpetrators’ actions, and rewarding the fans along with other vested interest parties — all for the common good, some bragging rights and illicit gain. I know it can go the other way as with the Duke lacrosse team accuser; however, consider the Biblical account of the woman caught in adultery and brought to Jesus. He didn’t condemn her; he simply reminded everyone they were sinners and warned her to sin no more.

It will be a rude awakening for all of us when we come before the final judge unless we realize that the only real solution to our sinful ways is Jesus. Only he can save us; that’s why Mary was told to call him Jesus (which means Savior). Mercy triumphs over judgment but only if we repent of our sins and live according to Jesus’ commandments.