Empathy plea

To the editor:

Jana Rea’s letter (Public Forum, Sept. 7) represents exactly one reason we have growing gridlock in government. She cries out “fraud, people working our unemployment system.”  Sorry Jana, my guess is you’ve never been among the unemployed, just like those who think like you.

People happy collecting unemployment without working? I’ll believe that when I see letters from the unemployed telling us how happy they are. Meantime, I suggest you, Lynn Jenkins, and your group, leaning so far right you can’t stand up straight, try walking in the shoes of those you so eagerly demonize.

Learn to understand before painting the unemployed as something they are not. All they want is a handout? What they want and need is a hand up. If your group understood that, there would be fewer biased letters to the editor.

You should know what the truth is before you talk about it.