Republicans criticize incorrect mailers in two legislative races; Democrats apologize

? The Kansas Republican Party slammed Democrats for sending out campaign mailers in two legislative races that falsely state two GOP legislators voted for a bill when they voted against it. Democrats said they made a mistake and issued an apology on Friday.

The mailers cited votes in favor of the state budget bill in 2011, which included record school cuts. But the two legislators — Jana Goodman of Leavenworth and Joseph Scapa of Wichita — voted against that specific bill. Earlier in the 2011 session, Goodman and Scapa voted for a bill that would have cut schools even more.

“Despite having internal protocols to ensure that misstatements of facts such as these do not occur, the KDP failed to catch this,” said Kansas Democratic Party Chairwoman Joan Wagnon. “We will offer our apology publicly and are issuing this release to set the voting records of Reps. Scapa and Goodman straight,” she said.

Kansas Republican Party Executive Director Clay Barker criticized the state Democratic Party.

“Spin and opinions are one thing, but flat out lying about a Representative’s past votes on a specific bill is contemptible and smacks of desperation.” said Barker.

Wagnon said that when the mistake was discovered she immediately called Goodman and Scapa to apologize.

Goodman faces Democrat Melanie Meier and Scapa faces Democrat Patricia Sloop in the Nov. 6 election.