Letter: Accountability

To the editor:

Incumbent politicians from both sides of the aisle have done and continue to do great harm to our nation. They remain in power because of an apathetic electorate that has not held them responsible for their actions. Regardless of our political affiliation, there is nothing patriotic about supporting any candidate that imposes laws on the American people while exempting themselves from these same laws. We cannot allow our democracy to be replaced by aristocratic form of government.

The electorate’s most important function should be the monitoring of government officials’ actions in regards to national security. Each of us must decide if our government officials are telling the American people the truth or are they engaging in a cover-up because of their incompetence.

Every American should be outraged by the irreparable harm perpetrated on our men and women in uniform following the Osama bin Laden mission. Politicians were so eager to take credit for this mission that they were willing to compromise the security of our special forces and their families by identifying their specific unit. Not only did this treasonous act compromise the security of the United States but it also aided our enemies.

The Osama bin Laden mission, Fast and Furious gun-trafficking and the recent attack on our embassy in Benghazi leave the American people with many unanswered questions.

We the people have an obligation to replace any aristocratic POTUS or government official with the power of our vote.