Letter: Common sense

To the editor:

While growing up in a small town in northeast Kansas as the daughter of a small-town business owner, we were always taught to buy local. As a result, my husband and I shop in Lawrence and believe it is in the best interest of the town we love. While on my walk today, I noticed a Romney sign which said “Believe in America.” I thought to myself, how can someone believe in America and invest their own money overseas? It is a fairly well-known belief that Mr. Romney has money invested in the Cayman Islands. How can a person run under the banner “Believe in America” when that person will not invest his money here?

In addition, now Mr. Romney believes we should be arming the rebels in Syria. Does this scare anyone else? In the first place, there is no guarantee the arms will stay with the rebels. The risk is too great that they will just end up in the hands of terrorists. We’ve tried this, and it doesn’t work. Also, who will pay for all this warfare? If we don’t have the money for preventive care for women, school lunches for hungry children, PBS, etc., where will this money come from?

I don’t claim to be the smartest person in the world, but I have always been known to have common sense. Most of Mr. Romney’s proposals just don’t make sense to me.