Letter to the editor: The real issues

To the editor:

I watched, with anticipation, the presidential debate on Wednesday night and was pleased with the civility of the candidates. I also made mental notes of their “answers” for the real issues facing all Americans. This morning I eagerly looked at the Lawrence Journal-World to see what their perspective was on the debate.

The first issue mentioned in the lead article on the front page (written by Scott Rothschild) was that Gov. Romney said he would cut government funding to PBS! The real issues are jobs, the economy and health care. Wake up, Mr. Rothschild. If you think Americans are more concerned about the funding of PBS than the economy, you are asleep at the wheel. We need relevant news on the front page, not editorials.

Be an informed citizen. Educate yourself on the real issues that face all Americans and see what the candidates have to say.