Letter: Fluoride evil?

To the editor:

Would someone please explain exactly what evil fluoride is supposed to do?

I was born in St. Louis almost 70 years ago, and I drank fluoridated water at least through all years of elementary school before I moved to northwest Missouri. I think it was also fluoridated there. I still have all my teeth but two. There was actual decay in one and the other was a wisdom tooth that had to be cut out as it was growing in sideways. I have some fillings and go to the dentist regularly, but my teeth all seem to be good.

The nurse agreed with me on last physical that I am “disgustingly healthy.” I have had two children. I am bored in retirement and thinking of going back to work. The effects of lead and asbestos noted in your article are well-documented but I would like to know just what damage all that fluoride is going to do to me, and when.