Letter: Timely issues

To the editor:

Julie Dunlap’s River City Jules article Nov. 5, “Rooting for Americans” should have been saved for the front page Nov. 7. This was a fantastic piece of writing that sums up what everyone needs to hear on and after Election Day. You might have missed the story about her dad stuffing her siblings in the back of his mid-life crisis RX-7 to prove to her mom that it was a family-worthy vehicle. You might not know about the spoils of her nephew Charlie as the ultimate house guest, but trust me when I say you do not want to miss her latest contribution to our collective soul.

Regarding the nanny from Gardner in Sunday’s On The Street who said that women’s suffrage and feminism has emasculated men and less freedom for women would “not be a bad thing”: You are free to go work for the emasculated man who would like you to get the coffee instead of your male counterparts who get paid more for the same work you perform, who hired you because he liked your figure especially in certain dresses, and prefers to give you an encouraging pat when you walk by. Furthermore, he may not let you leave work to vote because you don’t need to worry about that. Is it ironic to you that he is not free to act this way because you are free to refuse it? Your last comment about “that sounds odd coming from a woman.” No, it sounds odd coming from a person.