Letter: Premise questioned

To the editor:

It’s taken me a few days to come up with a response to the Lawrence Journal-World’s endorsement of Gov. Romney (Oct. 24). I’m not surprised by the endorsement; I’ve been reading the LJW for well over 25 years. But one of the LJW’s reasons was that Romney is “knowledgeable and up-to-date about both domestic and foreign affairs.” Really, LJW? Romney does not seem to know where Iran is. He doesn’t realize that Iran is not Syria’s direct neighbor, and he is clueless that both Syria and Iran have their own coastlines. I’m sorry, but while I do not expect the average person to know these things, I do expect someone who is running for president to know these things. I’d like to go on, but that would make this letter too long.

Look, LJW, we all know that you’re going to endorse the Republican, no matter how many times he has flip-flopped on his opinions, no matter how many whopping lies he has told on the campaign trail, and no matter how ignorant he is about other countries. We get it. But when you print something like the statement quoted above, don’t expect to be taken seriously.