Wasted effort

To the editor:

The May 12 Journal-World has an article on the state Legislature regarding tax cuts, Sharia law and the U.N. Isn’t it clear enough that giving tax breaks to large companies and financial institutions does not create jobs? Does anyone remember that the trickle-down theory has not worked? It is time for the pendulum to swing back toward average working people and time to insist on taxing the wealthy, not the 99 percent.

Later in the article, we learn that the Senate approved a bill banning Kansas courts from basing rulings on foreign laws or legal systems. In Kansas?! Are there any counties facing a swing toward “foreign” or Sharia law? None? Then why are our esteemed legislators wasting their precious time on such rubbish? Thank you, Sen. Tim Owens, for describing the bill as unnecessary, and thank you, Sen. Francisco, for voting against the bill.

And then there is U.N. Agenda 21. Described as “a covert plot to destroy the American way of life through extreme environmentalism, social engineering and global political control,” it sounds like we must prepare for Armageddon. And the invasion from space aliens is just around the corner. They’re out there! I’m sure!