IQs need work

To the editor:

Thank you, President Obama, for saying that gays have the right to get married, but it is hard to believe that I live in a nation where their right to get married is in question. We have other issues that concern all of us and need to be addressed.

The primary issue in the state of Kansas is the intellectual level of our state legislators. I believe we need to pass a law that states that anyone who runs for office, including the governor, needs to take an intelligence test. And in this law anyone who scores less than a 75 on a standard test cannot run, and those currently serving in the governor’s office or the Legislature who score less than 75 must resign.

For those serving I realize this is good news and bad news. The bad news is they can no longer serve and get paid taxpayer money for passing stupid laws (such as allowing college students to carry concealed weapons on campus), but the good news is that most of those now serving will qualify for Social Security Disability because they are intellectually challenged.