Lawrence, Columbus papers make meaty wager

Passion sometimes leads sports fans to put their money where their mouth is.

Lawrence Journal-World managing editor Dennis Anderson has challenged Alan Miller, managing editor of the Columbus Dispatch, to a friendly wager over Saturday’s NCAA semifinals game between Kansas University and Ohio State University, which is in Columbus.

Anderson is putting up pulled pork from Bigg’s Barbecue, 2429 Iowa, to Miller’s Bahama Mama sausage from Schmidt’s Sausage Haus and Restaurant in Columbus.

Anderson and Miller serve on The Associated Press Media Editors’ board of directors.

“I don’t think the Jayhawks are going to let me down,” Anderson said. “I can already taste the spicy Bahama Mama sandwich now.”

Miller said, “I’m a big fan of basketball and barbecue, and I’m looking forward to a lot of both.”

The Jayhawks and the Buckeyes tip off at 7:49 p.m. Saturday in New Orleans. The game will be broadcast on CBS.