Nanny state

To the editor:

The Obama administration has once again flouted the Constitution of the United States by requiring religion-based hospitals and other health care facilities to provide contraceptives and abortifacients. The administration, by requiring that these faith-based health care facilities comply with this order from the Department of Health and Human Services, has crossed the line into oligarchic territory. The First Amendment clearly states: Congress shall make no law respecting and establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …

When will the bigotry and assault on religion by this administration end? Will the administration argue next that a child in a religion-based school and receiving WIC assistance must be taught all forms of religion because Federal funds are fungible? Some of you may laugh at this assertion because it is absurd, but governmental intrusion into any freedom is just that, intrusion. Prior to 1973 and Roe v. Wade, it was thought absurd that anybody could perceive a child in the womb as anything other than a child. In one of the most cowardly rulings of a U.S. court they refused to acknowledge what medicine has taught for most of recorded history:

Life begins at conception.

Barack Hussein Obama continues to legislate from the Oval Office, callously trampling the rights of every American in order to push forward his nanny state agenda.