Police support

To the editor:

As a 22-year Lawrence police officer and a retired Kansas police chief, it’s difficult to read about police officers’ alleged misconduct, especially when the accused represent my former department. I have no information as to who the officers are or the details of any misdeeds, and I shouldn’t know. The rules on personnel matters do not change due to alleged police officer misconduct.

What I do know is that integrity and decency are the hallmarks of Chief Khatib and Manager Corliss. I’ve worked with both men. They are intimately familiar with the difficulties of leadership. Both have now risen to the unenviable positions of balancing these complex criminal and personnel issues involving active duty police officers.

Khatib and Corliss know well their responsibilities to the Lawrence community. I have faith that when the time is right, they will give all the information they can to everyone who is an interested current or former resident of Lawrence.

As for me, I intend to support Lawrence’s elected and appointed leaders while giving them the breathing room they need to work through these complex issues.
