Letter: Golden rule

To the editor:

There is a second “golden rule,” and it is represented by Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback. It goes like this “He who has the gold makes the rules.” He seems more a governor representing those who have the “gold” and less a governor concerned about all Kansans. He now has a tax program in place which places most of the cost of services for state government directly on the disappearing middle class and guarantees huge deficits in the next few years choking out all social programs. He seems to consider the problems of the poor, the very young, the homeless, those dependent on help through no fault of their own as expendable and only a liability of no political importance.

Kansas is experiencing what, so far, the United States avoided by not electing a majority of conservative Republicans in the last general election. However they still rule the House of Representatives enough to push us over the fiscal cliff and devalue the stock market by maybe 1,000 points and devalue the dollar enough that it will no longer be the safe investment it has been, perhaps elevating the Chinese yuan to that position. We will soon see just how vindictive they can be. In my opinion, it will mean the death of the Republican Party and the beginning of the collapse of the United States as we have know it.