Out of touch

To the editor:

Mitt Romney and his team continue to tell us that the American people don’t really care about the release of his tax returns. Here’s a news flash. Yes, we do. Many of us care a great deal. We who are committed to this country  pay our taxes because we know that money is needed to pay for essential services which contribute to the maintenance of a civilized society. We are also convinced that it is our patriotic duty to do so. How sad that a man aspiring to the presidency of this great nation would feel no obligation to share in such a moral commitment. He’s old enough to know that even though things are legal, they are not necessarily moral.

Some may remember Leona Helmsley. She was a multi-millionaire who spent some time in prison for federal income tax evasion. If we don’t remember the deed, we probably will remember her famous statement, “We don’t pay taxes … only the little people pay taxes.” Whenever I hear Mitt Romney speak, I think back to Leona Helmsley. At least she had the chutzpah to tell us what she thought of us.

When Mitt Romney sees the “little people,” what does he see? That’s the problem. He doesn’t see us. It’s awfully hard to know what the common folk are going through while one is looking from the top of an economic pinnacle. Too bad Mitt is not like his father, George Romney, who not only treated all people and this country with respect but began the tradition of releasing his income tax returns for all to see. He had nothing to hide because he was a moral man. How sad that his son did not follow in his footsteps.