Protected class?

To the editor:

A recent Journal-World article demonstrates the mayor of Lawrence standing for what amounts to an attack on part of what Americans should stand for. The article, “City to consider ‘gender identity’ as protected class,” demonstrates what modern tolerance looks like, which is intolerance. The mayor said: “Part of what we’re trying to do is send a message of tolerance” and “Lawrence is a tolerant community.”

This is not a message of tolerance; it is a law enforcing a political agenda. If this law is passed, Lawrence will not tolerate “justice and liberty for all,” but only for a “protected class.” The mayor is trying to force his intolerance on others under the guise of tolerance and make Lawrence intolerant of liberty and justice for all.

Will churches be forced to do this? Will all employers have to do this or risk being sued? The mayor is throwing the city and its taxpayers under the bus with this piece of legislation, which will open the floodgates to lawsuits and the great expense of “fixing” public bathrooms. Is there really a problem with large amounts of discrimination which justify such a radical approach?

The mayor is no longer pursuing liberty and justice for all, but instead for a “protected class.” He is evidently tolerant of a few, but also being very intolerant of the rest. This law will not make Lawrence look tolerant, but rather intolerant of justice and liberty for all. Is he mayor of all or a “protected class” only?